Birmingham SmartCare Federation are now offering extended access to GP appointments. This will be for booked Routine Appointments and not Emergencies.
These appointments are in high demand because of patients convenience but you must book early to avoid disappointment. Surgeries are held at our smartcare hub at Oakwood Surgery in Sparkhill Heath Centre, the doctor will have access to your full medical records and will make notes of consultation in them.
Who Can Access these Appointments?
All Patients registered with any of the SmartCare Federation Practices can access these appointments.
SmartCare is unique in its concept of delivering care where it is most needed. Two out of our three Clinical Hubs are rotated and run from a location close to your registered Practice. This is done to meet the requirements of our Patients. This is not a walk in emergency service, but for Patients with booked appointments.
For further information please speak to your Practice Receptionist.
To capture Patient Experience and Feedback we are asking Patients to complete a Family & Friends survey. Please ask a Receptionist at your Practice for a survey or
you can complete a form online here.